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How to Change Tablet App to Phone app in Delphi XE8?

i've created an app in Delphi XE8 for tablets. So if the screen is smaller than 7 inch not everything fits. I do work with layouts and Align properties so everything gets scaled accordingly to the screen size. I know a few options to make the app useable for phones ass well. But not sure what the best way is.


Create multiple Views for each size screen.


Use ScaledLayout to make everything smaller or bigger.


Use scrollBox.


Edit component sizes in FormCreate after checking screen size.


Devide in more Forms.

So what's the best option or are there even better ways to do this?

In the Screen below you can see an example of how my form looks on a 7inch tablet: enter image description here

In the Screen below you can see an example of how the same form looks on a phone: enter image description here


  • I've chosen to use more forms to display all my data, in combination with pop up screens. Along with a scaled layout to automatically scale some fields.