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NSNotificationCenter: pass Notification between 2 classes

i have 2 classes.

class1 gets some information through the net. when one of these informations comes, class1 has to send a notification to class2.

i understood it so that i have to put

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:at"anyUserNotification" object:class2];

into class1

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:atselector(anyInteraction:) name:dontKnowTheSense object:dunno2];

have i understood the object:class2 in the postnotification right ? if yes: is it possible to make an anonymious notification, so that the sending class must not know, which and how many classes are listening ? or - at least i think so, have i understood the whole notification incorrect ?

besides the notification i dont need to pass any data, but in one case it would be helpful to pass an enum

so, could anybody please help me ?

btw: i cant find a way to post an at on this windows-pc and i dont know, why it did not indent the code, i think i made 4 spaces


  • Object is not a mandatory argument you can set it to nil or the object sending the notification message.

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"NotificationName" object:notificationSenderOrNil];

    When listening you can filter to only do something for notification sent by a specific sender.

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(sel) name:@"NotificationName" object:notificationSenderOrNil];

    And you can pass your data in a dictionnary with userInfo: argument.

    Is it Ok with that ?