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Using Get-DnsServerResourceRecord Remotely Against Another Domain

Im trying to run the following

$secpasswd = 'Test'
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $secpasswd -AsPlainText -Force
$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('domain2\nick', $secpasswd)

[scriptblock]$CheckDNS = {
Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -Name 'computername' -ZoneName domain2.local -ComputerName domain2dC.domain2.local }

invoke-command -scriptblock $CheckDNS -Credential $mycreds -ComputerName domain2managementbox.domain2.local 

This should be running Get-DnsServerResourceRecord module on the target machine however im getting the following error:

Failed to get the zone information for domain2.local on server domain2managementbox.domain2.local.
+ CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (dgtest.local:root/Microsoft/...rResourceRecord) [Get-DnsServerResourceRecord], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WIN32 5,Get-DnsServerResourceRecord

When I run the command on the box itself it works fine and I have the correct permissions.



  • You're attempting to "double hop" with your credentials (from your client machine, to "domain2managementbox.domain2.local" and then again to "domain2dC.domain2.local". This is not permitted using the default kerberos authentication.

    Run Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer domain2managementbox.domain2.local -Force on your client machine.

    Run on Enable-WSMaCredSSP -Role Server –Force on "domain2managementbox.domain2.local"

    ... and then use -CredSSP as an additional authentication parameter for Invoke-Command.