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Prolog : coin change

I am new to prolog, trying to solve this classic coin change problem.

change(M,P,N,D) with formula that M>=0 and M = P+5*N+10*D here is my approach

change(M,P,N,D) :-
     M is P+5*N+10*D,
     P is M - (5*N+10*10).

couple of test-cases

  X = 100.

However, if I try


it gives me "Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated" instead of P = 10. what is casuing this ?

edit : fix my code by using between predicate between(0,M,P),between(0,M,N),between(0,M,D),M is P+5*N+10*D.


  • Use !

    :- use_module(library(clpfd)).

    All we need to express change/4 is one equation:

    change(Money,Pennies,Nickels,Dimes) :-
       Money #= Pennies + Nickels*5 + Dimes*10.

    Let's run the ground query given by the OP!

    ?- change(100,10,8,5).

    Next up, four queries having exactly one variable:

    ?- change(Money,10,8,5).
    Money = 100.
    ?- change(100,Pennies,8,5).
    Pennies = 10.
    ?- change(100,10,Nickels,5).
    Nickels = 8.
    ?- change(100,10,8,Dimes).
    Dimes = 5.

    As we are using , we can also ask more general queries, like this one with three variables:

    ?- change(100,Pennies,Nickels,Dimes).
    100 #= Pennies + 5*Nickels + 10*Dimes.

    Note that this does not (yet) enumerate all possible combinations... to do so takes two steps:

    1. State that "all counts are non-negative" by using ins/2:

      ?- [Pennies,Nickels,Dimes] ins 0..sup,
      100 #= Pennies + 5*Nickels + 10*Dimes,
      Pennies in 0..100,
      Nickels in 0..20,
      Dimes   in 0..10.
    2. Use the enumeration predicate labeling/2:

      ?- Zs = [Pennies,Nickels,Dimes],
         Zs ins 0..sup,
        Pennies = 0  , Nickels = 0, Dimes = 10
      ; Pennies = 0  , Nickels = 2, Dimes = 9
      ; Pennies = 0  , Nickels = 4, Dimes = 8
      % the next 115 answers were omitted for the sake of brevity
      ; Pennies = 90 , Nickels = 2, Dimes = 0
      ; Pennies = 95 , Nickels = 1, Dimes = 0
      ; Pennies = 100, Nickels = 0, Dimes = 0
      ; false.