Search code examples

sqlalchemy searching for multiple ( unknown mumber) keywords

In SQLAlchemy, for example, I'd like to search for keywords "foo", "bar" and possibly but not necessarily more keywords in the "description" column of my Item class, so I build a list of such keywords: ["foo", "bar"],

and then use primitive looping to achieve my goal:

query_obj = session.query(Item)
for k in search_keywords:
query_obj = query_obj.filter('%{0}%'.format(k)))

but this doesn't seem very elegant. I think there could be a better solution in sqlalchemy. Could someone share some tips other than looping and chaining? Thanks.

p.s. Also what is the best practice to achieve a "OR" search of multiple(indefinite number of) keywords?


  • Your code is as elegant as it gets, I do not think you can improve it significantly.

    In order to solve the same for OR, you can collect the clauses into a list first, and then apply or_ with the filter(...):

    q = session.query(Item)
    clauses = ['%{0}%'.format(k)) for k in search_keywords]
    q = q.filter(or_(*clauses))

    If you find it more elegant, you can use it for AND case you have as well by calling and_ instead of or_.