According the Ansible documentation defining variables at runtime, it says I can load variables from a file.
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "@some_file"
However, in my case I have two files containing extra variables for my playbook invocation.
Concatenating them together is not an option because one is a secret file created and keyed using Vault. The other file is generated from an upstream process.
I have tried:
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "@some_file @some_other_file"
... but it didn't work. Upon invocation I get
ERROR: file could not read: some_file @some_other_file
so my guess is it takes everything after the first @ symbols as the path of the file.
My questions is, can extra-vars accept multiple files?
It turns out I can use:
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars=@some_file --extra-vars=@some_other_file
This does work for me. Please let me know if there is a better answer. Thanks.