I am having trouble with people on my system using the maintenance account logging in and performing stuff that slows my machine down. How do I lock this account and when someone tried to log in using it, it will display a system message or admin message saying something like " this account is locked by admin" in all means of log in, via rsh, telnet, ssh, on the actual physical machine, via xming, gnome, kde....
Probably the best (standard) answer is to set the login shell on the account in question to /sbin/nologin and/or enter an impossible hash (such as '$$') in /etc/shadow. This, however, does not display your "go away" message...
If you REALLY need to display a message, you could try something like this (extra space added for emphasis and cat used rather than an editor for illustration):
pecan:~ $ ssh pine
pine:~$ cat >/tmp/locked_acct
echo "This account has been locked"
sleep 10
exit 1
pine:~$ chmod +x /tmp/locked_acct
pine:~$ /tmp/locked_acct
This account has been locked
pine:~$ sudo cat >>/etc/shells
pine:~$ sudo useradd -r -m -c 'locked system account' --shell /tmp/locked_acct locked
pine:~$ sudo passwd locked
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
pine:~$ exit
Connection to closed.
pecan:~$ ssh locked@
locked@'s password:
This account has been locked
Connection to closed.
In short: