I have a table Projects which has the following fields
ID| Number | Name | CreatedOn | CreatedBy
Other table is CLDProject has the following fields
ID| CLDId | ProjectId | CreatedOn | CreatedBy
Here I have to select the list of all Projects where the CLDProject.ProjectId is not assigned for the particular CLDId
I tried
SELECT {Project}.*
FROM {Project}
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM {CLDProjects} WHERE {CLDProjects}.[ProjectId] = {Project}.[Id] AND {CLDProjects}.[CLDId] =@CLDId)
The Problem is it shows all the Projects but I want to select projects where the CLDProject.ProjectId is not assigned for the particular CLDId. I am new to queries any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Have you tried something like
SELECT {Project}.*
FROM {Project}
WHERE {Project}.ID NOT IN (
SELECT DISTINCT {CLDProject}.[ProjectId]
FROM {CLDProject}
WHERE {CLDProject}.[CLDId] = @CLDId
This is how it works
Find all projects associated with a given CLDID (inner query)
Find the projects that are not on that list (outer query)