i devoted whole day to this issue and can't solve it...could you help?
What is the problem
My facebook (and Google+) authorization does not work, if I have URL rewriting active.
How it bahaves
If I access FB (or G+) authorization page and agree with authorizaion, then I am redirected to my App and back to FB and again, and I receive:
This webpage has a redirect loop
How my Facebook auth class looks like
In my App I use this class for facebook login
namespace App\Presenters;
use Facebook\FacebookSession,
class FacebookPresenter extends BasePresenter {
/** @var \App\Model\UserManager @inject */
public $um;
* Default facebook action
public function actionDefault() {
// Start session
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
// Configuration
$appId = $this->context->parameters['facebook']['appId'];
$appSecret = $this->context->parameters['facebook']['appSecret'];
$scope = array('email');
// This producs always valid route based on router configuration
$loginRedirectUrl = $this->link('//Facebook:default');
FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication($appId, $appSecret);
$helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper($loginRedirectUrl);
// Get facebook session
try {
$session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect();
} catch(FacebookRequestException $ex) {
} catch(\Exception $ex) {
// Session was established
if ($session) {
try {
$req = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me');
$userProfile = $req->execute()->getGraphObject(GraphUser::className());
$fbArr = $userProfile->asArray();
$fbId = $fbArr['id'];
$fbArr['picture'] = "https://graph.facebook.com/$fbId/picture?width=360&height=360";
// Login or register
$this->loginOrRegister($fbId, $fbArr);
// After facebook login redirect to homepage
$this->flashMessage("Facebook login was successful", "success");
} catch (FacebookRequestException $e) {
// Session was not established
} else{
* Login or registers user
* @param String $fbId
* @param array $fbArr
protected function loginOrRegister($fbId, $fbArr) {
// Try to login with given ID
try {
// Login
$this->user->login(NULL, NULL, $fbId, NULL);
// Try to update user's picture
if (isset($fbArr['picture']) && strlen($fbArr['picture']) > 0) {
$this->um->updateAvatar($fbArr['picture'], $fbId, null);
} catch (\Nette\Security\AuthenticationException $ex) {
// Retrieve social info
$email = isset($fbArr['email']) ? $fbArr['email'] : "";
$firstName = isset($fbArr['first_name']) ? $fbArr['first_name'] : "";
$lastName = isset($fbArr['last_name']) ? $fbArr['last_name'] : "";
$picture = isset($fbArr['picture']) ? $fbArr['picture'] : null;
// Check if there is user with acquired email
// If he/she is, then update his facebook ID and verify him/her and login
$tmpUser = $this->createDao("AppUser")->loadByEmail($email);
if ($tmpUser && $tmpUser->isPopulated()) {
$tmpUser->updateAvatar($picture, $fbId, null);
$this->user->login(NULL, NULL, $fbId, NULL);
} else {
// Send user to registration
$this->redirect('Sign:register', array(
'name' => ($firstName . " " . $lastName),
'email' => $email,
'fbId' => $fbId)
How my router configuration looks like
If rewrite is false, then simple router is active and everything is working, otherwise not
* @return \Nette\Application\IRouter
public static function createRouter() {
$rewrite = true;
// Simple router
if (!$rewrite) {
return new SimpleRouter('Homepage:default');
// Full router list
$router = new RouteList();
$router[] = new Route('', array(
'presenter' => 'Homepage',
'action' => 'default',
$router[] = new Route('story', 'Homepage:story');
$router[] = new Route('feed', 'Homepage:feed');
$router[] = new Route('register', 'Sign:register');
$router[] = new Route('verify', 'Sign:verify');
$router[] = new Route('in', 'Sign:in');
$router[] = new Route('user/<id>', 'User:default');
$router[] = new Route('<presenter>/<action>[/<id>]', 'Homepage:default');
return $router;
How my URLs look like
For simple router:
For rewritten urls:
UPDATE 2015-06-12
I found problematic part of code.... if URL rewrite is active, then
$session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect();
is always null, so code always go to the last else in actionDefault. Of cause I've found this topic Why is getSessionFromRedirect() return a NULL? ... however, I call getSessionFromRedirect and getLoginUrl methods in right order
This guy've made a package which may help you. There's also a class called FacebookAuthenticator, the main problem is that it has a lack of documentation, so you should just analyze the source code and get on with it.
Good Luck