Search code examples

Apply generic mask via filter?

I'm currently using ngMask to handle masking for user input. It works great, but, AFAIK, can only be used on input elements. I now need to mask this same data for display. For example, in a table, I would hope to display item.ssn = 123456789 as 123-45-6798.

What is the best way to do this? I understand I can make custom filters, but was wondering if there was a generic way to do this for all text. Like this if you could extend the ngMask functionality...

<td><span mask="999-99-9999">{{item.ssn}}</span></td>

or as a filter...



  • You need to implement a filter. You can rely on MaskService provided with ngMask:

    angular.module('myModule').filter('mask', ['MaskService', function(MaskService) {
      return function(text, mask) {
        var result, 
            maskService = MaskService.create(),
        if (!angular.isObject(mask)) {
          mask = { mask: mask }
        maskService.generateRegex(mask).then(function() {
          result = maskService.getViewValue(text).withDivisors() 
        return result;


    <td>{{item.ssn | mask:'999-99-9999'}}</td>