Android 4.2 & above supports Multiple Users as described at below link...
Now, my questions are..
Is it possible to know multiple user configured in device programmatically ? If yes, then how to get number of user configured in device ?
Is it possible to get list of users ? if yes then how ?
There is a public API to get user details but it is restricted to apps which have the "android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"
permission. This permission has a protection level of "signature|system"
, so unless your app is installed to the system partition there is no official way to get the number of users.
I looked over the source code and came up with the following solution:
public int getNumUsers() {
// The user directory created by
File userDir = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), "user");
// Get the number of maximum users on this device.
int id = Resources.getSystem()
.getIdentifier("config_multiuserMaximumUsers", "integer", "android");
int maxUsers;
if (id != 0) {
maxUsers = Resources.getSystem().getInteger(id);
} else {
maxUsers = 5;
int numUsers = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxUsers * 10; i += 10) {
// If a user is created, a directory will be created under /data/user in increments
// of 10. The first user will always be 0.
if (new File(userDir, Integer.toString(i)).exists()) {
return numUsers;
It has worked on the brief testing I have done but it is not used in any production code. It needs more testing but should work.
If your app had system level permissions this would be much easier:
UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(USER_SERVICE);
int userCount = userManager.getUserCount();