I have the following in my flask app:
d = {'a': a, 'token':token}
import gevent.monkey
threads = [gevent.spawn(myfunction, d) for i in range(2)]
result = gevent.joinall(threads)
print [thread.value for thread in threads]
I an trying to use multiple greenlets of the following function:
def myfunction(args):
a= args['a']
token= args['token']
lo = list_object()
lo is set by :
def list_object():
qlist = []
# the following redis db lookup produces qlist=[a,b,c,......z]
qlist = pr.query.order_by('failed').all()
return qlist.pop(0)
I notice that although I was expecting each gevent threadlet to pop the first element off the list, so that running 2 threads (like in this example) would result in the first thread lo value being 'a', and the second 'b'. However I'm seeing Both values of lo being set to 'a' . Why is this happening? How can I fix this?
qlist = []
d = {'a': a, 'token':token 'q':qlist}
Is it because you instantiate qlist at the beginning of the function? So I think 'a' is being re-added by the pr.query.order_by().all(). Maybe make qlist a global variable and make a list parameter for list_object. Then 'a' should be popped out permanently. I could be wrong because I'm assuming pr.query.order_by.all() is adding 'a' to the list every time.