Is it possible in pure LINQ-to-entities to use String's Contains() method without considering the acutes?
table Messages --------------------------- MessageId Body 1 Hello John how are you 2 Hi Jóhn sup? ...
I want that this query:
var messages = db.Messages.Where(p => p.Body.Contains("John"));
Not only returns to me the first message, but the second message too.
If this is not the correct approach (Contains), which one is it?
I´m using SQL Server.
Also, there is a similar but different question here: Ignoring accented letters in string comparison
It is different because he is trying to compare two strings ("Equals", or "CompareTo"), ...while I´m trying to use "Contains"
The answer has been in the comments for a while. Here it is as an answer too:
Alter the database collation to one that ends with "_AI" for making it accent insensitive (or "_CI_AI", for making it case insensitive too)