I'm trying to get the "title" of the workflow state an object is in. I did try several things and I keep on getting the "id" of the workflow state.
One attempt that gets me the id
workflow = getToolByName(self.context,'portal_workflow')
status = workflow.getStatusOf("my_workflow", my_obj)
state = status["review_state"]
print state
Another attempt that also gave me an id
workflow = getToolByName(self.context,'portal_workflow')
status = workflow.getInfoFor(my_obj,'review_state')
#print type(status) returns "<type 'str'>"
print status
Another attempt:
state = api.content.get_state(obj=my_obj)
print state
How can I get the title of the state? There must be something simple I am missing.
I assume you want to get the translated
workflow state of an object.
The state is usually translated within the plone
i18n domain, so the plone UI shows your state properly. You can use zope.i18n.translate
to get the translated state.
>>> workflow = getToolByName(my_obj,'portal_workflow')
>>> status = workflow.getInfoFor(my_obj,'review_state')
>>> from zope.i18n import translate
>>> translate(msgid=status, domain='plone', target_language='en')
>>> 'Published'
You may get the language from the language_tool.
Check http://zopei18n.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#zope.i18n.translate for more Infos.