The below XQuery code returns:
Duration=3 hour
but I expect:
Duration=03 hour
What am I doing wrong?
let $hour := hours-from-duration(op:subtract-times(xs:time(fn:substring-after('2015-07-31T10:25:00','T')),xs:time(fn:substring-after('2015-07-31T07:15:00','T'))))
<FlightDuration> {($hour)}</FlightDuration>
Based on your example, I am guessing that you are using OSB 11 or some earlier version. You could try using fn-bea:format-number. Also, I would avoid using anything under op:* directly.
let $dt1 := xs:dateTime('2015-07-31T10:25:00')
let $dt2 := xs:dateTime('2015-07-31T07:15:00')
let $t1 := xs:time($dt1)
let $t2 := xs:time($dt2)
let $diff := $t1 - $t2
let $hour := hours-from-duration($diff)
<FlightDuration>{fn-bea:format-number($hour, "00")}</FlightDuration>
Evaluates to: