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Data Driven Security in SSAS for hierarchy

I want to Implement Data Driven Security for Hierarchy in SSAS without using role.

I have table like : Dimcompany, DimProduct, DimUser Table Name: DimCompany

CompnayId CompanyName


Table Name : DimProduct

Productid Productname CompanyId

1 xyx220192 1
2 xyz220193 1 3 xyz767002 1 4 abc090921 2 4 abc990099 2 4 abc202028 2

Table Name : DimUser

UserId UserAccount

1 Domain\User1 2 Domain\user2

Now i want to create a Data driven security in SSAS by giving access of XYZ company to User1. So that in case, in future if any new matterid insert to XYZ company, User1 will get automatically access to that matterId. I want to create a hierarchy in such way that, i want to give Company access to particular user so that user can have access to its respected matterid.

i have created bridge table. but user not able to access respected matterid of given company.


  • You can't do so without roles, you need to create at least one role per company, and assign all users of that company to that role, so that users can be restricted to see data only for the company they belongs.