For a parsing script I need to use in many places try except blocks. I thought I can use a general purpose function which use as the parameter the expression that need to be evaluated.
I cannot used the expression directly as a parameter because it can trow an error before entering in try except block:
def exception(a, nr_repeat=5):
if nr_repeat != 0:
nr_repeat = 0
except ExceptionType:
exception(a, nr_repeat-1)
So, I start passing a , the expression to evaluate as a string, and use exec:
def exception(a, nr_repeat=5):
if nr_repeat != 0:
nr_repeat = 0
except ExceptionEx:
exception(a, nr_repeat-1)
which is working if the expression doesn't use variables. If it uses variables, even if I pass then to the function is not working.
def exception(a, nr_repeat=5,*args):
if nr_repeat != 0:
nr_repeat = 0
except ExceptionEx:
exception(a, nr_repeat-1)
exception("print('blue)") - working
exception("data.split('/')") - not working
ExceptionEx is just a placeholder for different exceptions
Have you tried passing in a lambda function?
exception(lambda: data.split('/'))
and inside of your function:
def exception(a, nr_repeat=5):
if nr_repeat != 0:
nr_repeat = 0
except ExceptionType:
exception(a, nr_repeat-1)
The lambda will not be evaluated until you call it.