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How to create URL & Read on Codeigniter?

How to create dynamic URL in Codeigniter?.

I've following table which stores basic article details:

 1. ID
 2. Article Title
 3. Content
 4. Tags
 5. Status
 6. Create Time
 7. Update Time
 8. Author ID
 9. Status

Now I want to know how to create dynamic URL, which holds Page ID & Article Title.

For example

Now above sample URL, I am generating URL with ID & Article Title.

  1. ID for retrieve article content (When user clicks to article, get content from ID).
  2. Article Title for Safe URL.

but I don't want to show ID from URL and still get content when user redirect to detail page.


View: home_page.php

<div id="body">
        <?php for($i=0; $i<count($blogPosts); $i++): ?>
            <div class="post-preview">
                    $postID = $blogPosts[$i]->id; // Get post ID
                    $postTitle = $blogPosts[$i]->title; // Get post Title
                    $urlTitle = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $postTitle); // Replacing space with dash
                    echo anchor('content/'.$postID.'/'.$urlTitle, $postTitle, array('title' => $postTitle)); // Get post URL
                    echo "<br />";
        <?php endfor; ?>

Controller: home.php

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Home extends CI_Controller {

    public function index() {

        $this->load->model("HomeModel"); // Load HomeModel
        $data['blogPosts'] = $this->HomeModel->blogPosts(); // Get blog posts data from blogPostsData function
        $this->load->view("home_page", $data);



Model: HomeModel.php

class HomeModel extends CI_Model {

    public function blogPosts() {

        $query = $this->db->get();
        return $query->result();



After coding When I hover to anchor link I am getting this URL:


How to hide index.php, content & 1 from URL.

One more thing is that When I clicked to link I am getting this error message:

An Error Was Encountered 
The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.

Any help would be appreciated!!!


  • You can use routes for this purpose

    To remove index.php use .htaccess with following code

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

    and in config.php

    $config['uri_protocol'] = 'AUTO';

    To remove content from url remove content from anchor in view

    echo anchor($postID.'/'.$urlTitle, $postTitle, array('title' => $postTitle)); // Get post URL

    I don't think so you should remove 1 from url. If you remove it from url then how can you identify your post. So it will be good to keep it in url. Or if you want to remove then append this id at the end of post title like


    and explode the last element for id of post

    An Error Was Encountered 
    The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.

    you are getting this error because in your url you added !. To make your application secure CI prevent special characters from url. So it would be best practice to don't use special characters in url except _ and -.

    On your Controller

    class Content extends CI_Controller {
        function index($id, $name)
            echo $name;// this contain book name 
            echo $id;// this contain book id
            //your code

    now in your routes application/config/routes.php
