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AngularJS load controller after resolve doesn't work

Goal: In my application every controller should be initialized after a user has a session / is logged in, because in this controller I use the data of logged in user.


app.js$q, $rootScope, AuthSvc){
    $rootScope.ajaxCall = $q.defer();
            if(response!=null && response!=undefined){
                $rootScope.activeUserSession = response;
                $rootScope.activeUserSession = null;
    return $rootScope.ajaxCall.promise;


    function($routeProvider) {
            when('/timeTracking', {
                templateUrl: 'partials/timeTracking/projectView.html',
                controller: 'timeTrackingController',
                resolve: {
                    response: function($rootScope, $q) {
                        var defer = $q.defer();
                                return defer.promise;

Problem: Controller gets initialized sometimes before the user has a session, I do not understand why.

Sorry I am new to Angular and my english is also crap, so I hope nevertheless you can understand what is my problem.


  • I think placing your session reload into the is not the right place. Add it directly to resolve and checkout the docs for $q to learn how promises are working.

    Because you can't call a promise or defer. You need to call a function that's returning a promise then you can add your then method to do your stuff after the promise is resolved.

    Please have a look at the demo below or here at jsfiddle.

    It's just an asynchronous method with $timeout to simulate the auth because I don't have a backend to add in the demo.

    You can add your AuthSvc directly into resolve.

    angular.module('demoApp', ['ngRoute'])
    .controller('timeTrackingController', function($scope, response) {
        $ = response;
    .factory('authService', function($q, $timeout) {
        return {
            reloadSession: function() {
                var deferred = $q.defer();
                $timeout(function() {
                    // just simulate session reload
                    // real api would to the job here
                    console.log('resolved defer now!!');
                    deferred.resolve({dummyData: 'hello from service'});                
                }, 1000);
                return deferred.promise;
        function($routeProvider) {
                when('/timeTracking', {
                    templateUrl: 'partials/timeTracking/projectView.html',
                    controller: 'timeTrackingController',
                    resolve: {
                        response: function(authService) {
                            return authService.reloadSession().then(function(data) {
                                return data;
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="demoApp">
        <script type="text/ng-template" id="partials/timeTracking/projectView.html">
            project view: {{data | json}}
        <div ng-view=""></div>