Below is my code
var qbChatDialog = QBChatDialog()
qbChatDialog.occupantIDs = [strOpponentQuickbloxID]
qbChatDialog.type = QBChatDialogType.Private = ["class_name": "HQCustomClass", "game_id": strGameID]
// = "\(strGameID)Holy" //Can we use this field in 1-1 chat?
//Create Dialog
successBlock: { (qbResponse, newDialog) -> Void in
println("***** New Dialog \(newDialog)*******\n\n\n\n")
errorBlock: { (qbErrorResponse) -> Void in
println("***** Dialog Error \(qbErrorResponse)*******\n\n\n\n")
Always getting same Quickblox ChatDialog.
It's impossible to create many 1-1 dialogs with the same opponent
Use type QBChatDialogType.Group for this.