I'm trying to send email message in one of my views and would like to format the body of the message, such that it shows in different lines.
This is a snippet code in views.py
body = "Patient Name: " + patient_name + \
"Contact: " + phone + \
"Doctor Requested: Dr. " + doctor.name + \
"Preference: " + preference
email = EmailMessage('New Appointment Request', body, to=['ex@gmail.com'])
The email is shown like this:
Patient Name: AfrojackContact: 6567892Doctor Requested: Dr. IrenaPreference: Afternoon
How do I make it show like this:
Patient Name: Afrojack
Contact: 6567892
Doctor Requested: Dr. Irena
Preference: Afternoon
You are going right but you just missed a letter n
body = "Patient Name: " + patient_name + "\n"
+ "Contact: " + phone + "\n"
+ "Doctor Requested: Dr. " + doctor.name + "\n"
+ "Preference: " + preference
This will add new line after each and every line and most probably solve your problem.