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Connect to Implicit SSL/TLS (port 990) using Paramiko?

Is there a way to use Paramiko, to connect to as SFTP?

For example using this approach, I can connect to SFTP (the one I created myself in Linux):

from paramiko import SSHConfig, SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy, AuthenticationException

def connect(self):
    for rec in self:

        with closing(SSHClient()) as ssh:
                login = rec.login_id
                ssh.connect(, port=login.port, username=login.user, password=login.passwd)
            except socket.gaierror:
               raise ValidationError(_("Name or service '%s' not known") % (
            except AuthenticationException:
               raise Warning(_("Bad username or password"))                    
            with closing(ssh.open_sftp()) as sftp:
                #do something

But If I try to connect using login info for, it does not work. In it says you can connect two ways:

Security: Standard (Port 21) or Implicit SSL/TLS (Port 990)
FTP Server:
User name: username or username_id
Password: (your ShareFile password)

So If I try to connect using port 990, I will get either Connection timed out (after some time) or this error:

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 306, in connect
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 465, in start_client
    raise e
SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner

The only way I was able to connect to it, was using Ubuntu built in GUI to connect so FTP, using:


If I used sftp, it would not connect (I guess it uses default port 22)

I also tried to connect from terminal:

Name or service not known
sftp -oPort=990
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer


  • The Secure FTP (FTP over TLS/SSL) is not the SFTP.

    The SFTP runs over SSH.

    You cannot use Paramiko to connect to the FTP, neither a plain FTP nor over the TLS/SSL.

    Use the FTP_TLS class from the ftplib for FTP over TLS/SSL in Python.