My credentials are saved in TortoiseGit (using Wincred) but my password changed.
The only way for me to pull from the repository now is to remove the Credential Helper.
How can I simply change the password?
Alternately, can I remove my credentials and save my new ones?
Normally the invalid credentials should be purged automatically (after one unsuccessful authentication attempt).
Go to the Windows Credential Manager
(press Windows and type "Credential Manager", or go to Control Panel\User Accounts and Family Safety\Credential Manager
or use Start->Run rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr
; with latest TortoiseGit there also is a button on TortoiseGIt Settings->Git->Credentials), there all saved credentials should be listed (prefixed with git:
For ways to also remove saved credentials on other OS, see