I am using the function Get-LoggedOnUser from Microsoft Technet Script Center Repository: Get-LoggedOnUser
I'm am invoking the "msg" Command (net send) on my RDP server to send a pop up message to any user who has not logged out overnight.
I don't want to broadcast the message to all users on the server; just send a notification to any individual users who have been logged in since before midnight the previous night.
I want the message to show their username and logon time and remind them to log out.
$yesterday = [DateTime]::Today.ToString('M/d/yyyy HH:mm ')
$NotLoggedOut = Get-LoggedOnUser -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME | Where-Object {$_.LogonTime -lt $yesterday}
$Script={param($Command, $Users, $ComputerName, $LogonTime); Write-Host $Command; &cmd /c "$Command"}
$Command = Foreach($User in $NotLoggedOut){write-host "Dear " $User.username "the system shows that you have been logged on since " $User.LogonTime "REMINDER: You MUST Log off at the end of everyday"}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME -ScriptBlock $Script -ArgumentList $Command
$NotLoggedOut shows three users who should receive the msg
UserName ComputerName SessionName Id State IdleTime LogonTime Error
-------- ------------ ------------ -- ----- -------- ------------ -----
User01 COMPUTERNAME rdp-tcp#0 1 Active 5 7/30/2015 9:39 AM
User02 COMPUTERNAME rdp-tcp#9 2 Active 10 7/30/2015 8:46 AM
User03 COMPUTERNAME rdp-tcp#2 2 Active 7/30/2015 8:46 AM
User01 gets the message.
But I can't get it to send the message to each user in the foreach loop. Only User01.
I Think it is the way you send the arguments which is not right. What you should be doing is: The $script should be all the script necessary to send the message for all the users. The -argumentlist you should send the $NotLoggedOut variable. Inside the script part that an be acesses as $Args[0].UserName (for the first user and so on).
Try it out. I have rewritten your code below, and that works well. Notice i have commented out the call to Get-LoggedOnUser and instead use some static test data.
$midnight = [DateTime]::Today
$NotLoggedOut = @(@{UserName = "Jower";ComputerName = "JOWERWIN81";LogonTime= [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-2)}, @{UserName = "Jower";ComputerName = "JOWERWIN81";LogonTime= [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1)}) | Where-Object {$_.LogonTime -lt $midnight} #Get-LoggedOnUser -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME | Where-Object {$_.LogonTime -lt $midnight}
Foreach($User in $Args)
$mess = ("Dear " + $User.username + " the system shows that you have been logged on since " + $User.LogonTime + " REMINDER: You MUST Log off at the end of everyday")
write-host $mess
& {msg $args.Username /SERVER:($args.ComputerName) $args.Message} -ArgumentList @{UserName = $User.UserName;Message=$mess}
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Script -ArgumentList $NotLoggedOut