I have executed the following code in Code::Blocks 10.05 on Windows 7.
int a=0,b=0,c;
The output I obtained is given below,
This makes perfect sense because of short circuit evaluation.
The expression a++
is post increment and 0
is returned to the logical and (&&
). Hence the part b++
is not evaluated since both 0 && 0
0 && 1
evaluates to 0
But here arises my doubt. The precedence value of operators clearly states that ++
is having higher precedence over &&
. So my understanding was like this, both a++
and b++ are evaluated and then &&
only checks the result of expression a++
to come to a decision. But this has not happened only a++
is evaluated here.
What is the reason for this behavior? Does &&
being a sequence point has something to do with this behavior? If so why we say that &&
is having lower precedence than ++
You are confused about precedence and order of evaluation.
Precedence defines how the operators are grouped, i.e
c = a++ && b++;
is equivalent to:
c = ((a++) && (b++));
Order of evaluation defines how the expression is evaluated, the short circuit of &&
means a++
is evaluated first, if it's zero, the end; if it's not zero, b++
is then evaluated.
As another example:
c = (a++) + (b++);
Is a++
evaluated before b++
? The answer is we don't know. Most operators don't define the order of evaluation. &&
is one of the few operators that do define. (The rest are ||
, ,
and ?: