I have a Python package that is one of a collection of company Python packages. When I run
python setup.py install
I want the package to be installed to a common company directory, along with other company packages. I want this directory to be relative to the default Python install directory, e.g.,
That is, I want to insert <company_name>
into the installation path at install time.
I've seen ways to prefix this path, but can't seem to work out how to do what I've described.
Unfortunately Python packaging doesn't work like that. You could probably bend it to work like that but that would be quite an effort for a person without experience in Python packaging and even for experienced persons the amount/output tradeoff would not make sense. You do not mention any motive to do this besides your personal preference.
Instead, to have well-managed and human-navigable package installation folder, I recommend you to study the following resources
PEP 0382 - Namespace Packages: How to create packages like companyname.foobar, companyname.moomoo
Installing packages into a virtualenv - Python packaging installation guide (official)
Scrambler: Symlink namespaced Python packages to a single folder