The SourceForge page - - was last updated in 2007, and no downloads are available.
The Github repo - - looks recent but the last tagged release is 2.1
There is a NuGet package - - but it is two years old and furthermore does not belong to the main developer, Marcos Meli. There is a competing NuGet package - - tagged as 2.0.0 and owned by Marcos Meli, but that code is 6 years old.
There are TeamCity builds available. There is a successful development build tagged as 2.9.16.
Which of the above should I use for a production ready project? Or is the latest production-ready version somewhere else?
I cloned from github master, but it didn't build - riddled with errors. I went through and set the .NET version to 4.5 on all subprojects and fixed a few imports and got the wizard to run, but there were still a couple of dozen warnings. So Github head is obviously not the production-ready version.
Now the version 3.1 is production ready, and the GitHub repository is up to date and using CI for continuos buils Download latest version from
The latest production ready version of the library is 3.1.2
You can download it on
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