I understand that I can use Nodes cluster
module in order to create several workers all serving the same socket connection (example from docs):
var cluster = require('cluster');
var http = require('http');
var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
// Fork workers.
for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) {
console.log('worker ' + worker.process.pid + ' died');
} else {
// Workers can share any TCP connection
// In this case its a HTTP server
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end("hello world\n");
However, what if I instead of serving the same connection want each worker to run their own server, each listening on a separate port?
You can pass environment variables to each child, allowing the master process to assign them ports:
var cluster = require('cluster');
var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
var pidToPort = {};
var worker, port;
for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
port = 8000 + i;
worker = cluster.fork({port: port});
pidToPort[worker.process.pid] = port;
cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) {
// Use `worker.process.pid` and `pidToPort` to spin up a new worker with
// the port that's now missing. If you do so, don't forget to delete the
// old `pidToPort` mapping and add the new one.
console.log('worker ' + worker.process.pid + ' died');
} else {
// Start listening on `process.env.port` - but first, remember that it has
// been cast to a string, so you'll need to parse it.