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First c++ file and header LNK2019 error

This is my first time having separate files and first time writing a header file, however I keep getting the same error I can't fix. Here are the files:

#include <iostream>
#include "Bike.h"

class Bike{
     int tyreDiameter;
     int getTyreDi(){
         return tyreDiameter;
}; */

int main(){
    Bike b;
    b.tyreDiameter = 50;
    std::cout << b.getTyreDi();

while (1){

return 0;

class Bike{
        int tyreDiameter;
        int getTyreDi(void){
            return tyreDiameter;

#ifndef BIKE_H
#define BIKE_H

class Bike{
        int tyreDiameter;
        int getTyreDi(void);


Now if I have only one file and use the class that is commented out in main.cpp everything works fine. But as soon as I try to separate the Bike class into another cpp file I get this error:

Error 1   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: int
__thiscall Bike::getTyreDi(void)" (?getTyreDi@Bike@@QAEHXZ) 

Error 2   error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Any help would be much appreciated


  • Why are you defining class Bike twice? in the cpp and in the h, the correct way would be this: header

    #ifndef BIKE_H
    #define BIKE_H
    class Bike{
            int tyreDiameter;
            int getTyreDi(void);


    #include "Bike.h"
    int Bike::getTyreDi(void)
      //implementation like return tyreDiameter;