I'm collecting a users input as "DD/MM/YYYY"
The aim is to pass into mktime as csv YYYY,MM,DD.
puts "Please enter dob in dd/mm/yyyy format;"
inp = gets.chomp
inp = inp.gsub(" ","")
while inp.length != 10
puts "Please use dd/mm/yyyy format"
inp = gets.chomp
bday = inp.gsub("/",",")
ctime = Time.new
btime = Time.mktime(bday)
lsecs = ctime - btime
ysecs = Time.mktime(2001) - Time.mktime(2000)
rsecs = 1000000000 - lsecs
ryears = rsecs / ysecs
puts "You are currently #{lsecs} seconds old"
puts "You have #{ryears} years until you are a billion seconds old!!"
As you can see the only task remaining is to reverse the users input, having trouble finding a compact solution. Feel free to help make this code shorter if you see a way.
Solution: (with seconds old and years rounded down/delimited)
def reformat_date(str)
puts "Please enter dob in dd/mm/yyyy format;"
inp = gets.chomp
inp = inp.gsub(" ","")
while inp.length != 10
puts "Please use dd/mm/yyyy format"
inp = gets.chomp
inp = inp.gsub(" ","")
ctime = Time.new
btime = Time.mktime(reformat_date(inp))
lsecs = ctime - btime
**lsecdel = lsecs.round(0).to_s.reverse.gsub(/...(?=.)/,'\&,').reverse**
ysecs = Time.mktime(2001) - Time.mktime(2000)
rsecs = 1000000000 - lsecs
ryears = rsecs / ysecs
puts "You are currently #{lsecdel} seconds old"
puts "You have #{ryears.round(2)} years until you are a billion seconds old!!"
What about?
def reformat_date(str)