I have created 2 protocols with associated types. A type conforming to Reader
should be able to produce an instance of a type conforming to Value
The layer of complexity comes from a type conforming to Manager
should be able to produce a concrete Reader
instance which produces a specific type of Value
(either Value1
or Value2
With my concrete implementation of Manager1
I'd like it to always produce Reader1
which in turn produces instances of Value1
Could someone explain why
"Reader1 is not convertible to ManagedReaderType?"
When the erroneous line is changed to (for now) return nil
it all compiles just fine but now I can't instantiate either Reader1
or Reader2
The following can be pasted into a Playground to see the error:
import Foundation
protocol Value {
var value: Int { get }
protocol Reader {
typealias ReaderValueType: Value
func value() -> ReaderValueType
protocol Manager {
typealias ManagerValueType: Value
func read<ManagerReaderType: Reader where ManagerReaderType.ReaderValueType == ManagerValueType>() -> ManagerReaderType?
struct Value1: Value {
let value: Int = 1
struct Value2: Value {
let value: Int = 2
struct Reader1: Reader {
func value() -> Value1 {
return Value1()
struct Reader2: Reader {
func value() -> Value2 {
return Value2()
class Manager1: Manager {
typealias ManagerValueType = Value1
let v = ManagerValueType()
func read<ManagerReaderType: Reader where ManagerReaderType.ReaderValueType == ManagerValueType>() -> ManagerReaderType? {
return Reader1()// Error: "Reader1 is not convertible to ManagedReaderType?" Try swapping to return nil which does compile.
let manager = Manager1()
let v = manager.v.value
let a: Reader1? = manager.read()
The error occurs because ManagerReaderType
in the read
function is only a generic placeholder for any type which conforms to Reader
and its ReaderValueType
is equal to the one of ManagerReaderType
. So the actual type of ManagerReaderType
is not determined by the function itself, instead the type of the variable which gets assigned declares the type:
let manager = Manager1()
let reader1: Reader1? = manager.read() // ManagerReaderType is of type Reader1
let reader2: Reader2? = manager.read() // ManagerReaderType is of type Reader2
if you return nil
it can be converted to any optional type so it always works.
As an alternative you can return a specific type of type Reader
protocol Manager {
// this is similar to the Generator of a SequenceType which has the Element type
// but it constraints the ManagerReaderType to one specific Reader
typealias ManagerReaderType: Reader
func read() -> ManagerReaderType?
class Manager1: Manager {
func read() -> Reader1? {
return Reader1()
This is the best approach with protocols due to the lack of "true" generics (the following isn't supported (yet)):
// this would perfectly match your requirements
protocol Reader<T: Value> {
fun value() -> T
protocol Manager<T: Value> {
func read() -> Reader<T>?
class Manager1: Manager<Value1> {
func read() -> Reader<Value1>? {
return Reader1()
So the best workaround would be to make Reader
a generic class and Reader1
and Reader2
subclass a specific generic type of it:
class Reader<T: Value> {
func value() -> T {
// or provide a dummy value
fatalError("implement me")
// a small change in the function signature
protocol Manager {
typealias ManagerValueType: Value
func read() -> Reader<ManagerValueType>?
class Reader1: Reader<Value1> {
override func value() -> Value1 {
return Value1()
class Reader2: Reader<Value2> {
override func value() -> Value2 {
return Value2()
class Manager1: Manager {
typealias ManagerValueType = Value1
func read() -> Reader<ManagerValueType>? {
return Reader1()
let manager = Manager1()
// you have to cast it, otherwise it is of type Reader<Value1>
let a: Reader1? = manager.read() as! Reader1?
This implementation should solve you problem, but the Readers
are now reference types and a copy function should be considered.