I need to access a Session Variable from a RouteController in the waitOn
function in my meteor application, I set a session variable on the onCreated
block in a template:
Template.practicalQuestionForm.onCreated ->
Session.set 'domId', Random.id()
Then I need to access to that Session variable Session.get 'domId'
from my controller, look at the waitOn
@testsAddQuestionController = testsQuestionsController.extend
template: ->
qType = Router.current().params.type
if qType == 'practical'
else if qType == 'mcq'
waitOn: ->
console.log Session.get 'domId'
Meteor.subscribe 'currentSessionUploads', Session.get 'domId'
data: ->
questions: TestQuestions.find()
test: Tests.findOne slug: this.params.slug
previous: TestQuestions.find({}, sort: createdAt: 1, limit: 1).fetch().pop()
However I only get undefined
can someone tell me if this is possible? if not what other alternatives do you can advise to me?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to use Session
in your waitOn
function, you need to make sure that this code will be executed on the client.
For instance:
waitOn: function() {
var domId = undefined;
if(Meteor.isClient) {
domId = Session.get('domId');
return Meteor.subscribe('currentSessionUploads', domId);
Please note that you need to check if domId
is undefined in your publication (server-side).
Also You have to check that your Session
variable is not already defined, otherwise you will get an infinite loop and your controller will get crazy:
Template.practicalQuestionForm.onCreated ->
if not Session.get 'domId'
Session.set 'domId', Random.id()