A week ago i didn't know anything about Android Motion Sensors. After know the amazing thing called Virtual Reality I started to search about which sensors are used to get those results. Than I had a idea for a APP but I still don't know which sensors I should use for the situation below:
I have to get the phone orientation in reference to it self. I mean, I should be able to isolate each axis in degress. Something like it:
In this case, using gyroscope, I think that this variation is on the Z Axis. Using ONLY gyroscope I had a good result for this situation, but after some repetions, I got a famous problem for the Gyro Sensor: Drift.
After this tutorial: http://www.thousand-thoughts.com/articles/#articles
things became more clear in my head, but I still am having problems like latency between the real movement, and the output and wrong outputs when I change the device orientation (I think that the gravity is the guilty for that).
Is there some code example about how to get 0 - 360 degrees for each axis using ONLY the gyroscope and accelerometer sensors?
(I may had commited some english mistakes. Sorry for that)
The following code will give you correct lean angle, but only if your phone Z axis is 0. (like the way you illustrated it). When starting to change the Z axis as well, it become problematic, i'm still working on that. (* Degrees has minus "-" sign when lean left and "+" sign to the right)
float[] mGravity;
float[] mGeomagnetic;
float[] temp = new float[9];
float[] RR = new float[9];
//Load rotation matrix into R
SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(temp, null,
mGravity, mGeomagnetic);
//Remap to camera's point-of-view
SensorManager.AXIS_Z, RR);
//Return the orientation values
float[] values = new float[3];
SensorManager.getOrientation(RR, values);
Double degrees = (values[2] * 180) / Math.PI;