Before I start, I have already read the Swift documentation. I am still trying to comprehend what AnyObject actually is. Is it a base class for all objects/classes in Swift, as NSObject is in Objective C?
If I create an array of type [AnyObject] and populate it with Movie class instances, that would mean that AnyObject is a base class of the Movie class right?
let someObjects: [AnyObject] = [
Movie(name: "2001: A Space Odyssey", director: "Stanley Kubrick"),
Movie(name: "Moon", director: "Duncan Jones"),
Movie(name: "Alien", director: "Ridley Scott")
This should be true or else you wouldn't be able to downcast with the type casting operator (as!) right?
for object in someObjects {
let movie = object as! Movie
println("Movie: '\(', dir. \(movie.director)")
The Swift documentation states:
AnyObject can represent an instance of any class type.
So...represent it in the sense that AnyObject is a base class instance?
I am new to Swift so please have patience :)
is a protocol. If you type it in a Playground and command click on it the following pops up:
/// The protocol to which all classes implicitly conform.
/// When used as a concrete type, all known `@objc` methods and
/// properties are available, as implicitly-unwrapped-optional methods
/// and properties respectively, on each instance of `AnyObject`. For
/// example:
/// .. parsed-literal:
/// class C {
/// @objc func getCValue() -> Int { return 42 }
/// }
/// // If x has a method @objc getValue()->Int, call it and
/// // return the result. Otherwise, return nil.
/// func getCValue1(x: AnyObject) -> Int? {
/// if let f: ()->Int = **x.getCValue** {
/// return f()
/// }
/// return nil
/// }
/// // A more idiomatic implementation using "optional chaining"
/// func getCValue2(x: AnyObject) -> Int? {
/// return **x.getCValue?()**
/// }
/// // An implementation that assumes the required method is present
/// func getCValue3(x: AnyObject) -> **Int** {
/// return **x.getCValue()** // x.getCValue is implicitly unwrapped.
/// }
/// See also: `AnyClass`
@objc protocol AnyObject {