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Use self-compiled OpenSSL to compile bitcoin on fedora 21

Right now I can build the bitcoin-qt and execute it but it immediately exits with this Error:

OpenSSL appears to lack support for elliptic curve cryptography. For more information, visit

The website only links to some outdated rpms for fedora 19 but it is also mentioned one could "compile [their] own OpenSSL and use this".

I can download and compile OpenSSL but I never managed to tell bitcoin where OpenSSL is located.

What I tried yesterday: (instructions from )

  • install dependecies

  • export OPENSSL_PREFIX=/tmp/folder1

  • Download and unzip openssl-1.0.2a source code

  • CC='cc -fPIC' ./config --prefix=$OPENSSL_PREFIX

  • make all install_sw

  • Download and unzip bitcoin source code

  • ./

  • ./configure SSL_CFLAGS=' ' SSL_LIBS="$OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib/libssl.a $OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib/libcrypto.a -ldl" CRYPTO_CFLAGS=' ' CRYPTO_LIBS=' '

  • make

But this failed with

libbitcoin_util.a(libbitcoin_util_a-random.o): In function `RandAddSeed()':
/tmp/test2/bitcoin/src/random.cpp:42: undefined reference to `RAND_add'


  • If you don't mind overwriting your current version of openssl, try to do an "update" to openssl:

    ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl shared
    make test
    make install
