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Onsen-UI how to dial with ng-click inside <ons-button>

I am trying to make an ons-button using ng-click to dial a number when it is clicked, in both iOS & Android. I use Cordova framework.

I have used the followings but with no success:

    <ons-button ng-click="'tel: {{69000000}}', '_system')">Call</ons-button>
    <ons-button ng-click="window.location.href('tel: {{69000000}}', '_system')">Call 2</ons-button>

In config.xml I have enabled

    <access origin="tel:*" launch-external="yes" />


  • I was actually using a href for a long time, but that causes a bunch of css trouble. I found this plugin to be a big help putting the dialer in a ons-button.

    In my js I had

    $scope.dial = function(){
                     function(err) {
                     if (err == "empty") alert("Unknown phone number");
                     else alert("Dialer Error:" + err);    
                  function(success) { alert('Dialing succeeded'); }

    and in my html I had

    <ons-button style="font-size: 24px;" modifier="large" ng-click="dial()">Phone</ons-button>

    alternatively, you can adjust the alerts, or remove them all togeter.