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Neo4jclient where is this class - Neo4jDataRepository?

I am trying to batch insert relationships into neo4j database using the Neo4jclient for c#. I found this code by user dcinzona. I am looking through the latest source code and can't find this class Neo4jDataRespository anywhere. Is this a custom class created by this user or am I missing something?

string merge1 = string.Format("c:{0} {{{1}:row.{2}}}", IDFieldLeft.Replace("Id", ""), IDFieldLeft, IDFieldLeft);
    string merge2 = string.Format("a:{0} {{{1}:row.{2}}}", IDFieldRight.Replace("Id", ""), IDFieldRight, IDFieldRight);
    string merge3 = string.Format("(c)-[r:{0} {{row}}]->(a)", entityName);
    foreach (var list in Neo4jDataRepository.Batch(relationshipMatrix, 1000))
        var query = client
                    .WithParam("coll", list.ToList())
                    .ForEach("(row in {coll})")//manually create json array of list objects


  • This is a custom class created by that user, it's not part of Neo4jClient.

    I'm not sure what they've done, and I've not seen it referenced anywhere else but by them I'm afraid :/