I need some help sorting out my DNS entries. I have a domain, lets say it's somecompany.com Off this domain I have a website on AWS Cloudfront, which should be accessible via www.somecompany.com & somecompany.com I also have Google Apps setup for email, so users have addresses like user@somecompany.com
My problem is that although I can setup the Google Apps DNS entries and get mail sent to the right address. As soon as I also setup the entry for the website the mail stops being received by users@somecompany.com. I suspect some type of clash between the MX records and CNAME of somecompany.com but I'm not sure how to fix it.
DNS table is as follows...
somecompany.com CNAME xxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net
www.somecompany.com CNAME somecompany.com
somecompany.com MX ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
somecompany.com MX ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
somecompany.com MX ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
somecompany.com MX ALT3.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
somecompany.com MX ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
somecompany.com NS ns1.openprovider.nl
somecompany.com NS ns2.openprovider.be
somecompany.com NS ns3.openprovider.eu
somecompany.com SOA ns1.openprovider.nl dns@openprovider.eu xxxxxxxxxx
somecompany.com TXT google-site-verification=xxxxxxxxxx
For those who encounter this problem, you can solve it using this accepted answer posted by Michael-sqlbot