My intention:
I have figured out 1 & 2 from here after hitting the route, say /getPresignedURL. Has anyone done 3?
My backup plan is to create another route, say /fileUpload which upon successful upload to the presignedURL will return a 200. I will then run a job for transcoding the video, manually. Any easier way to do this? TIA.
You can use S3 Event Notifications. When your video has just uploaded into S3 bucket, you can trigger an AWS Lambda function to process your S3 object.
If you have a long video file, you can ask AWS Lambda function to call AWS Elastic Transcoder. The price is quite expensive (it depends on your need and budget).
If your video is short, you can use AWS Lambda function to directly transcode the video. I found binoculars/aws-lambda-ffmpeg project on Github. But, I've never tried it before.