I want to insert R matrix like m<-rbind(c("x/(z+1)","x^2/(z+1)"),c("y/(z+1)","y^2/(z+1)"))
as a table in R Markdown than knit it to .doc.
I would like it in a neat form, such that all cells are separated by lines and all formulas displayed properly. I want to do it automatically from matrix I have.
I am thinking about thous formulas inside the matrix as simple examples of any formula that contains variables and arithmetic operations.
First I tried with more simple expression m<-rbind(c("x","x^2"),c("y","y^2"))
with no result.
I got:
I got:
--- ---
x x^2
y y^2
formulas in cells were displayed not properly.
I got:
|A |B |
|x |x^2 |
|y |y^2 |
It wasn`t displayed properly in .doc.
I got LaTeX code which I was unable to knit in .doc. But when knitted in pdf formulas in cells were displayed not properly. I also tried print(xtable(m),type="html")
I wasn`t able to knit it to .doc, but in html document it gives results similar to previous.
Replace each element of matrix with LaTeX code
for (k in 1:nrow(m)){ for (l in 1:ncol(m)){m1[k,l]<-f(m[k,l])}}
m<-Apymtx(m, TeXForm)
I got:
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "( TeXForm( x ) )" "( TeXForm( x^2 ) )"
[2,] "( TeXForm( y ) )" "( TeXForm( y^2 ) )"
Than I tried to change 'class' of TeXForm(m[1,1]) to 'character' with no result.
How to get table filed with formulas in R Markdown, and knit it to .doc?
You miss that pandoc
interprets Tex formulas between the dollar signs. E.g.:
> pander(data.frame(
+ A = c("$x^2$", "$\\frac{x}{y}$"),
+ B = c("$\\sum_{1}^{n}foobar_i$",
+ "$\\cos (2\\theta) = \\cos^2 \\theta - \\sin^2 \\theta$")))
------------- ------------------------
$x^2$ $\sum_{1}^{n}foobar_i$
$\frac{x}{y}$ $\cos (2\theta) = \cos^2
\theta - \sin^2 \theta$
Renders fine in docx
Edit: based on the question update that made it clearer for me that you want to transform the math formulas to TeX by Ryacas
, please see this approach to do so. Unfortunately, I could not get the retclass="unquote"
argument working in yacas
, that's why the ugly string manipulation:
> pander(apply(m, c(1, 2), function(x) gsub('\\"|;| ', '', yacas(TeXForm(x))$YacasForm)))
--------------- -------------------
$\frac{x}{z+1}$ $\frac{x^{2}}{z+1}$
$\frac{y}{z+1}$ $\frac{y^{2}}{z+1}$
--------------- -------------------
MS Word output after calling pander