I am trying to implement Mean-seo and it seems to be working except every time it redirects to home page.
http://localhost:3333/?_escaped_fragment_=/contact-us flashes the contact-us page then redirects to home page.
If I remove
It shows the contact us page but then the home page is just blank.
this seems to solve the problem for me. using this
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector, $location) {
//what this function returns will be set as the $location.url
var path = $location.absUrl();
if (path.indexOf('_escaped_fragment_') === -1) {
//instead of returning a new url string, I'll just change the $location.path directly so I don't have to worry about constructing a new url string and so a new state change is not triggered
return '/';
// because we've returned nothing, no state change occurs
instead of