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Creating a criteria restriction that operates on a property of a subproperty, from a list of sub-properties on a domain object in Grails

I have a Groovy class called Person, with has a one-to-many association called identities, where each element is an instance of the Identity class. The Identity class has a property called channel, which has an attribute called channelName. Here's a stripped-down example:

class Person {
    static hasMany = [identities: Identity]

    String username
    String firstName
    String lastName

class Identity {
    Channel channel


class Channel {
    String channelName


There is a method that dynamically builds up criteria based on the arguments that are passed in, to search for people. A stripped down example:

Person[] findPeople(String username, String channelName, int limit) {
    return buildCriteria(username, channelName).list(max: limit) {

The buildCriteria method looks like this:

private DetachedCriteria<Person> buildCriteria(String username, String channelName) {
    def criteria = Person.where {  }

    if(username) {            
        criteria = criteria.where {
            eq('username', username)

    if(channelName) {
        criteria = criteria.where {
            identities {
                eq('channel.channelName', channelName)

    return criteria

If channelName is passed in, I want to get a Person record back if any of the identities on that person has a channel whose channelName property matches the one that is passed in. I wrote a unit test for this and everything seems to work as expected, and I get the expected results. The test is able to successfully resolve 'channel.channelName'. But when I actually end up using the method at runtime (it is called via a controller endpoint), I see the following error:

could not resolve property: channel.channelName of: com.example.domain.Identity

The only difference I can see is that in the unit-test environment, Channel, Person, and Identity are mocked. But I don't see why that should cause such a difference in behavior. I have two questions:

  • How is Groovy able to resolve the property in the test environment, but not during actual runtime?
  • Is this the right way to query against a property of a sub-property, from a list of sub-properties (on a parent object)? If not, what is the right way?


  • AFAIK the right way is channel { eq('channelName', channelName) } but maybe in dettached criterias (I don't usually use them) or newer versions of Grails the dot syntax works as well.

    In any case, I was trying to reproduce you problem in a similar domain class hierarchy I have, and found very odd results using the where method. Checking the MySQL query log I could see that the most inner query (in your case it would be eq('channel.channelName', channelName)) was completely ignored, even when changed to channel { eq('channelName', channelName) }.

    Changing where { ... }.list([max:10]) to createCriteria().list([max:10]) solved it. It doesn't use detached criterias, though.

    In any case, the following works for me and avoids the need of dettached criterias.

    List<People> findPeople(String username, String channelName, int limit) {
        People.createCriteria().list(max: limit) {
            with(buildCriteria(username, channelName))
    private Closure buildCriteria(String username, String channelName) {
        return {
            if(username) {            
                eq('username', username)
            if(channelName) {
                identities {
                    channel {
                        eq('channelName', channelName)

    What I like about this way of creating criterias is that is agnostic to the way they are later executed. You get a closure you hook into the criteria, regardless of that being a Hibernate Criteria or the Grails dettached criteria. It also allows you to compose criterias very easily, since you can apply as many closures as you want.

    I know it doesn't really answer your question, but maybe you can give it a go and compare the results with your current ones. You might get some clues out of it.