I am trying to enable flash in awesomium's .NET edition. But the app says it is disabled. I can't find any enable flag in the API. What am I missing.
The plugin i have is this:
Flash Player.plugin in the folder /Users/daka/plugins/
* Project : Awesomium.NET (MonoMac - SingleFileSample)
* File : Main.cs
* Version :
* Date : 6/5/2013
* Author : Perikles C. Stephanidis (perikles@awesomium.com)
* Copyright : ©2013 Awesomium Technologies LLC
* This code is provided "AS IS" and for demonstration purposes only,
* without warranty of any kind.
* Notes :
* Single file sample that demonstrates creating a simple MonoMac
* application that uses Awesomium, using only code.
using System;
using Awesomium.Mono.Mac;
using MonoMac.AppKit;
using MonoMac.Foundation;
using Awesomium.Core;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
namespace SingleFileSample
public class MainClass
static void Main( string [] args )
// Initialize an OSMApplication (NSApplication subclass).
// This will perform registrations, runtime and NSApplication
// initialization and other crucial operations. It should always
// be called before anything else in applications using Awesomium.
// Get a path to store our log file.
string logsPath = String.Format(
Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal ) );
// Specify some WebCore configuration settings.
WebConfig config = new WebConfig() { HomeURL = "http://play.MYURL.com".ToUri(),PluginsPath = "/Users/daka/plugins/" };
if( Directory.Exists( logsPath ) )
// If we have a valid Logs path, set it as
// the target for Awesomium's log file.
config.LogPath = logsPath + "awesomium.log";
config.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose;
// Initialize the WebCore with our configuration settings.
// This performs lazy initialization but it should be called
// before we create any WebSession or views.
WebCore.Initialize( config );
// Create a WebSession with some custom preferences.
// These apply to all views assigned to this session.
using( WebSession session = WebCore.CreateWebSession( new WebPreferences() { SmoothScrolling = true } ) )
// Create our OSMWebView, and assign it to our session.
using( OSMWebView webView = OSMWebView.Create( session ) )
// Create the application's main window.
using( NSWindow window = new NSWindow(
new RectangleF( 0, 0, 1100, 620 ),
NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled, NSBackingStore.Buffered,
false ) )
// Center window on screen.
// Bind the window's title to OSMWebView's title.
window.Bind( "title", webView, "title", null );
// Add our OSMWebView to the Window's content view.
// OSMWebView is set to automatically resize to fit
// the container (AutoresizingMask).
window.ContentView.AddSubview( webView );
// Activate the window.
window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront( null );
// Navigate to the specified Home URL.
// Create our application's delegate.
using ( AppDelegate @delegate = new AppDelegate() )
// Assign the delegate.
OSMApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = @delegate;
// The point of no return. Execute the application.
OSMApplication.Main( args );
[Register ("AppDelegate")]
public class AppDelegate : NSApplicationDelegate
public override bool ApplicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed( NSApplication sender )
return true;
public override void WillTerminate(NSNotification notification)
if( WebCore.IsInitialized )
// Shutdown the WebCore when exiting the application.
it's a bit late but I wanted to share my solution to the same question asked here:
I have an .SWF file running in WebControl through the following changes:
WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig
PluginsPath = @".\BrowserApp\bin\Debug\plugins"
And in this folder I've copied the dll: NPSWF32.dll that I've found somewhere on my system.