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Mantle - Transform a Nested Model in Swift

I am having a lot of trouble de-serializing and serializing a nested model in Swift using Mantle. I believe I have everything set up correctly, but I can't even get past the compilation errors. To give some perspective, I have successfully transformed classes that do not have nested model objects. Here's my class:

class TheClass : MTLModel, MTLJSONSerializing
    var person:Person?

    static func JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]!
        return ["person" : "person"]

    static func personJSONTransformer() -> NSValueTransformer!
        return MTLValueTransformer.reversibleTransformerWithForwardBlock(
        { (person:[NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> AnyObject! in
                return MTLJSONAdapter.modelOfClass(Person.self, fromJSONDictionary: person)
                return Person()
        { (person:Person) -> AnyObject! in
            return MTLJSONAdapter.JSONDictionaryFromModel(person)

This code will not compile, and I can't get it to compile. Here is the error message I am receiving:

Cannot convert return expression of type 'AnyObject!' to expected return type 'Person'

I've tried changing the return type of the reverse block to Person and Person!, but I get the same error message. I've been struggling with this for quite some time and could not find a working example in Swift, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • I found out how to do it! I actually only needed to de-serialize my models to read them from the JSON. Here's how I did it:

    class TheClass : MTLModel, MTLJSONSerializing
        var person:Person?
        static func JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]!
            return ["person" : "person"]
        static func personJSONTransformer() -> NSValueTransformer!
            return MTLJSONAdapter.dictionaryTransformerWithModelClass(Person.self)

    And if you have an array of nested models:

    class TheClass : MTLModel, MTLJSONSerializing
        var person:[Person]?
        static func JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]!
            return ["person" : "person"]
        static func personJSONTransformer() -> NSValueTransformer!
            return MTLJSONAdapter.arrayTransformerWithModelClass(Person)

    That's all there is to it!