This has been driving me crazy. Here’s the code I have so far:
signal SYS_CLK : std_logic := '0'; --Input
signal InputSignal : std_logic := '0'; --Input
signal SyncOutputSignal : std_logic; --Output
if (rising_edge(SYS_CLK)) then
if (InputSignal = '1') then
assert (SyncOutputSignal = '0') report "Bad Pulse..." severity ERROR;
end if;
end if;
end process stim_proc;
And a picture of the ISim waveform --->
The purpose of this test is to confirm that when on rising_edge(SYS_CLK) if InputSignal = '1', then a pulse is emitted (SyncOutputSignal) equivalent and in line to SYS_CLK's period.
However, an Error report is being issued everytime the CLK goes high and InputSignal is High.
Long story short, I need a way to tell the program to wait for the next InputSignal Pulse before testing the assert statement listed in my code again. Any ideas??
It sounds like you are trying to check for an edge condition on InputSignal. When checking for an edge condition in hardware, there's a simple thing you can do. Create a registered version of InputSignal (I called it Reg_InputSignal). Then change your if statement to check for a 1 on InputSignal and a 0 on Reg_InputSignal. This is a rising edge condition on InputSignal and should only trip the if statement for 1 clock cycle.
architecture RTL of Entity_Name is
signal Reg_InputSignal : std_logic := '0';
stim_proc : process(SYS_CLK)
if (rising_edge(SYS_CLK)) then
Reg_InputSignal <= InputSignal;
if (InputSignal = '1' and Reg_InputSignal = '0') then
assert (SyncOutputSignal = '0') report "Bad Pulse..." severity error;
end if;
end if;
end process stim_proc;