I am trying to build a Mac App which displays images and I want to move on to the next image when I press the right arrow key. I have looked all over stackoverflow and the internet, but just can't seem to get it.
What I tried... I tried to use keyDown(theEvent: NSEvent)
but it does not call when I press any keys. I believe this is because it is not in a text field of some kind, but not sure.
What Happens... When i'm testing the program, I press a key (with keyDown function ready to println("Key Pressed")
) and I get the OS X reject noise and no println to the console.
I have heard of some people subclassing NSView to override acceptsFirstResponder
, but I am new to subclassing so any direction you could point me in would be great. Or if there is a way to do it w/o subclassing NSView that would be great!
Thanks in advance! Sorry for the noobness.
Subclassing is less difficult than it seems.
General assumption: keystrokes are going to be received in the view of a NSViewController subclass and to be processed in the view controller class
as a subclass of NSView
Replace the contents of the created class with
import Cocoa
let leftArrowKey = 123
let rightArrowKey = 124
protocol MyViewDelegate {
func didPressLeftArrowKey()
func didPressRightArrowKey()
class MyView: NSView {
var delegate : MyViewDelegate?
override func keyDown(event: NSEvent) {
let character = Int(event.keyCode)
switch character {
case leftArrowKey, rightArrowKey:
override func keyUp(event: NSEvent) {
let character = Int(event.keyCode)
switch character {
case leftArrowKey:
case rightArrowKey:
override var acceptsFirstResponder : Bool {
return true
In the ViewController class add the protocol MyViewDelegate
- for example
class ViewController: NSViewController, MyViewDelegate {
In viewDidLoad()
let view = self.view as! MyView
view.delegate = self
self.nextResponder = view
Implement the following delegate methods and add your code to switch the image(s)
func didPressLeftArrowKey() {
// process keystroke left arrow
func didPressRightArrowKey() {
// process keystroke right arrow
The delegate methods are called when the appropriate arrow keys are released