I want to try the Arbre gem for rails. There is an example on this page: https://github.com/activeadmin/arbre/blob/master/README.md
Where must I paste the next code?
html = Arbre::Context.new do
h2 "Why is Arbre awesome?"
ul do
li "The DOM is implemented in ruby"
li "You can create object oriented views"
li "Templates suck"
I want to try the code above, but I don't know where I must paste it. Which file? Which method? I pasted the code into my controller, but it doesn't work.
In the example you pasted, the html
variable now holds the html for your page.
You can render it in the controller like this:
def show
html = Arbre::Context.new do
h2 "Why is Arbre awesome?"
ul do
li "The DOM is implemented in ruby"
li "You can create object oriented views"
li "Templates suck"
render html: html.to_s
Also, it isn't well documented on the Github page, but digging through the source, it appears you can also use abre
templates in place of regular erb views like so (notice the .arb
file extension):
h2 "Why is Arbre awesome?"
ul do
li "The DOM is implemented in ruby"
li "You can create object oriented views"
li "Templates suck"
That way, your controller could look like this:
def show
# nothing necessary here, by default renders show.html.arb