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Not able to call window.plugins in IBM MobileFirst 6.3

I am using MobileFirst 6.3. I am not able to call window.plugins.XXX (i want to use SSLcertificateChecker as XXX) . But the window.plugins is coming as undefined.

I want to include SSLCertificateChecker phonegap plugin from into my worklight project.

  1. First i tried iOS. I am adding manually all files.

  2. Added

    <feature name="SSLCertificateChecker">
        <param name="ios-package" value="SSLCertificateChecker" />
    </feature> in config.xml
  1. Add a dependency to Security.framework and also copied SSLCertificateChecker.* to plugin folder

But during implementation window.plugins comes undefined. Not a able to proceed.


  • It should work by following the same instructions I have provided in this answer, just adjusted to yours.

    Note: The same warnings I have written there apply here as well. Namely: on each build performed in MobileFirst Studio the file cordova_plugins.js is being re-generated, thus you will lose the required changes that you will perform in this file, and you will be required to re-do them over and over again.

    One possible solution to that is to upgrade to the soon-to-be released MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1, which introduces support for another class of application type - Cordova applications, with MobileFirst SDK integrated as a plug-in, thus enabling you to use Cordova Plug-man (or any other method) to install 3rd party plug-ins as you would in any Cordova-based application. Cordova Plug-man is not supported in releases prior to 7.1. Otherwise, you'll just have to find build hacks around it.



    1. Add the plug-in declaration to your-app\iphone\native\config.xml


    1. Add the following to the header element:

      <script type="text/javascript" src="js/SSLCertificateChecker.js"></script>


    1. Make sure to place the SSLCertificateChecker.js file in the your-app\common\js folder.

    2. Edit the file.

      • Add at the top:

        cordova.define("nl.x-services.plugins.SSLCertificateChecker", function(require, exports, module) {
      • Add at the bottom: });


    1. Build the project in MobileFirst Studio and open it in Xcode


    1. In Build Phases add the required Security.framework (but it will most likely already be there)

    2. Right-click on the project root folder, select "Add Files to..." and copy over the provided .h and .m files

    3. Navigate to native\www\default\worklight\cordova_plugins.js and add the following. This is also the file you will have to re-edit each time you make a build in MobileFirst Studio...

          "file": "../js/SSLCertificateChecker.js",
          "id": "nl.x-services.plugins.SSLCertificateChecker",
          "clobbers": [
    4. Run on iOS Simulator or device.