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Inconsistent rounding in Oracle

I calculated an amount of money in Oracle DB 10g ( 64bit), but I can't understand how some of the numbers are calculated

Set one

10000 * (1 / 30) = 333.333*
15600 * (8 / 15) = 8319.999*

Set two

7800 * (1 / 30) = 260*
23400 * (5 / 6) = 19500*

Based on set one I expected the set two calculations to result in 259.9 and 19499.9, unlike the actual results.

If 260 and 19500 are the correct results for set two I would have thought that that 15600 * (8 / 15) should result in 8320.

I was doing this in SQL, for instance:

select 15600 * (8 / 15) from dual


  • If you're seeing this then it would appear to be a bug in 10g:

    It's fine in 12c

    SQL> select banner from v$version where banner like 'Oracle%';
    Oracle Database 12c Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> select 15600 * (8 / 15)  from dual;

    and in 11.2

    SQL> select banner from v$version where banner like 'Oracle%';
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> select 15600 * (8 / 15)  from dual;

    Oracle's operator order of precendence places addition and subtraction ahead of multiplication and division. So, I would expect these to resolve as follows:

    10000 x (1 / 30) = 10000 x 0.03333* = 333.333*
    15600 x (8 / 15) = 15600 x 0.5333* = 8320
    7800 x (1 / 30) = 7800 x 0.03333* = 260
    23400 x (5 / 6) = 23400 x 0.833333* = 19500

    I disagree with OldProgrammers' comment as the implication of the results from 11.2 and 12 is that Oracle 10 is not "rounding" up correctly, if the client was at fault I would be expecting less rounding not more.