I am creating a fish sprite. Colliding it with foodCollisionGroup. Fish eats some food. Game play works fine. After that i resize it (increase the fish size) and it stops colliding with food. I think it might be not colliding with food because of setRectangle called. i have another problem that the fishFoodCount is incremented twice. how to solve these two problems
Fish.prototype.create = function(x, y){
this.fish = game.add.sprite(x, y, this.spriteName);
this.fish.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
this.fish.enableBody = true;
this.fish.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.fish.animations.add('idle', [3 + (this.index * 8)], 10, false);
this.fish.animations.add('move', this.getAnimationFramesArrayFor(this.index) , this.AnimationFrameRate, true);
this.fish.body.fixedRotation = true;
Fish.prototype.setFishSize = function(width, height){
this.fish.width = width;
this.fish.height = height;
this.fish.body.setRectangle(height/2, width/1.8, width/3.3, 0);
Fish.prototype.eatFood = function(fish, food) {
if(this.fishFoodCount > 9){
this.setFishSize(game.width/25, game.height/4);
this.fishFoodCount += 1;
You need to apply collision groups again after using setRectangle()